Reinhardt | Harper | Davis, PLC . Attorneys at Law in Richmond, Va

Accident, Injury & Disability Attorneys
serving the Commonwealth of Virginia

Richmond, Va (804) 359-5500

Fredericksburg, Va (540) 371-4444
Home Workers' Compensation Attorneys in Virginia Attorneys in Virginia VA Workers Comp | Social Security Disability Attorneys serving the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Andy Reinhardt (right) and Stephen Harper (left) - Reinhardt | Harper | Davis - Attorneys at Law - Richmond, Va
Attorneys in Richmond, Va - Workers' Compensation, Social Security Disability, Personal Injury Lawyers

Workers' Compensation Attorneys in Virginia

About Work Injury Cases

If you or a family member needs help with an accident or personal injury case, we will be glad to consider your claim to see if we can assist you. Our lawyers and highly trained staff and legal assistants are ready to help.

We find that our clients often ask us the following important questions:

Do you regularly handle work injury cases?

Yes, we do. We regularly handle cases involving accident, injury and disability claims. These include work injury cases.

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When do I need an attorney?

If your case involves significant injuries or time out of work or significant disputes with your employer or Workers’ Compensation insurance company, you should always contact an attorney immediately to determine whether or not a lawyer can help you.

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How can I afford a lawyer?

Workers’ Compensation rules are designed to permit injured workers to be able to afford lawyers. We regularly speak with clients at no charge to determine if they have a case that we would be willing to take. If we take the case, we will take it on the basis of a percentage of the settlement and/or whatever fee the Workers’ Compensation Commission determines is appropriate. This is spelled out in our attorney fee agreement. We are also entitled to reimbursement of expenses. We will be sure to advise you if the expenses would be significant. We typically cover those expenses until the end of the case.

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If you take my case, will my case settle or go to trial?

Every case is different. Most Workers’ Compensation cases ultimately settle. Sometimes settlement does not occur for a year or more after an injury occurs. We frequently take cases to trial. Sometimes settlement occurs after a trial or appeal. The most important thing for you to consider is whether your injuries, time out of work or the disputes that have arisen are significant enough that you need the assistance of an attorney. It can later be determined whether your case will have to go to trial or if there will be a settlement.

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What if I have lifetime medical needs and cannot go back to my regular job? 

In this type of case, you clearly should be consulting with an attorney. If, as a result of your work injuries, you will not be able to pursue your regular career or make as much money as you used to, we may be able to help you with a settlement that will allow you to move on with the rest of your life. If you are going to have future medical needs of significance, we are also skilled in dealing with these issues to help our clients resolve the need for future medical care.

Please contact us if you think we might be able to be of service to you. We will speak to you at no charge in the initial consultation and tell you whether or not your case is one that requires the assistance of an attorney and whether we can help.


Reinhardt | Harper | Davis, PLC • Attorneys at Law • 4915 Radford Avenue, Suite 100 • Richmond, Va 23230
Reinhardt | Harper | Davis, PLC • Attorneys at Law • 600 Westwood Office Park • Fredericksburg, Va 22401

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Personal Injury Attorney Disclaimer: In our site you will find information about Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation, and Social Security Disability claims in the Commonwealth of Virginia; any information offered herein by Reinhardt | Harper | Davis, PLC is not formal legal advice nor the creation of an attorney/client relationship. This web site is designed for general information only.